Nick Gilmartin's Weblog

And he used to be such a nice, quiet boy

Archive for March 2011


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One thing that has prevailed in every man-about-town’s bathroom cupboard is hair sculptor.  With hair as unruly as mine, we need it.  I have been a user of hair mousse since I was about twelve and my mum freaked when I decided to cut my own hair.  But that’s another story.

But recently I broke off my long-term relationship with mousse to try professional hair sculptor.

Hairbond are one of the leading lights of hair styling products, and they had given little old me two of their products to try.  These boys and girls are based in Lancaster, and have been producing the highest class of hair stylist products in recent months.

My first impression was the jars themselves, they were very attractively designed, with good logo art and graphics.  Clearly a lot of care and thought went into the choice.  This is therefore a company that knows that a first impression  counts.

The sculptor is a thick white paste, very clean smelling and unscented.  I applied it bit by bit and it soon brought my unruly mop to heel.  It combed left, right and centre, like hair should.  In fact it kept it’s shine too, where normally a gel would make it look dull.

After a few hours, having pulled a fleece over my head several times, my hair style would normally go to a jedwardesque spikeball,  This time it stayed perfectly in place, I was impressed.

At £11.95 this kit is far from cheap, especially in this day and age, but it is of the highest quality you will ever see and is used by some of the best Hairdressers in Britain.

To buy your own, click here

Written by Nick Gilmartin

March 29, 2011 at 7:03 pm

Posted in Grooming

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